Musketeer Story: Belga

Episode List

Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3 | Episode 4 | Episode 5 | Episode 6 | Episode 7 | Episode 8

Episode 1: Cherish Life

*scene starts on the battlefield*

Belga: Ahyahyahya! Die, die! Everyone fuckin’ die—!

Pro-WE Member 1: Ggh...

Belga: Ahyahya! Again, let’s go again! C’mon, puke up blood and crawl on the ground like a worm!

Pro-WE Member 2: Gyahh...!!

Hachikyu: Hey, Belga! Knock it off!

Belga: Huh—? Ahyahyahya!!

Hachikyu: I said to fucking knock it off!!!

*Hachikyu hits Belga*

Belga: OWW!!!

Belga: Th’ fuck are you doing, idiot!? These guys are all enemies, ain’t they? So I should wipe ‘em all out. Like this!

Pro-WE Member 3: Gwah!!

Hachikyu: If you kill all of them, we won’t be able to get any information! Do you seriously not know that!?

Belga: Ahh~!? Gettin’ some scrap of info outta people is boring~! I think you’re just scared, virgin!

Hachikyu: H-Huh!? That has nothing to do with this!

Belga: Ahyahya! Freakin’ out ‘cause I hit a nerve? Lame! Ah! You over there— don’t you try to run!!

Belga: Absolute Ruthlessness!!!

Pro-WE Member 4: Ggh, hh...

Marks: You... cut it out! Can’t you see you’re hurting Master!?

Belga: I don’t give a shit! Now, you bastards! You’re all gonna diiieee!!

Pro-WE Members: Uwaahh...!!

Hachikyu: Tch...! This is a total rampage. Our worries before we left turned out to be right on the mark, (Player Name).

*scene changes to a flashback*

Belga: Hahh... I’m bored. Why do we gotta do shit like study? Guns belong on the battlefield.

Belga: Actually, that’s totally it. We’re guns an’ all, so shouldn’t we be on some battlefield, shootin’ it out?

Hachikyu: Hey, cut it out with the disturbing shit.

Belga: Oh, 89~!! And (Player Name!)

Marks: ...I’m here too.

Belga: Huh~? Who’re you?

Marks: ......!

*Russell appears*

Russell: (Player Name)-kun.

Russell: Ahh, Hachikyu-kun, Belga, and Marks are here too. Perfect timing.

Russell: We want you to go and suppress the Pro-New World Empire organization’s forces. It’s a mission requested by the World Union.

Russell: This isn’t just a battle against the Outragers, so you’ve been selected with a focus on the performance of your guns. Will you accept the mission?


• Yes, sir!

Marks: I’m against it. If we bring these idiots along, it will hinder the mission’s success.

Russell: I-Is that so...

Hachikyu: I don’t care either way... Although, it feels kinda weird being on the side of the World Union.

Belga: Sounds awesome! The point is to wipe out the enemy, right? That’s easy! Ahyahya!

Russell: ......


• Are you alright, Professor Russell?

• I hope you do well, Belga.

(CHOICE 1) Russell: ...yes. I’m still a little worried, but they have to gain experience somehow, starting with simple missions like this.

(CHOICE 2) Belga: Ahyahya! Leave it to me! This is the first time goin’ out for me, so I’m super hyped!

Hachikyu: Will this really be okay? I can’t help but be kinda worried...

*flashback ends*

Hachikyu: ...and I guess my worries were right.

Belga: Ahyahyahya! Die, die!! I’m* a good boy, so I’ll destroy a~all the enemies! Absolute Ruthlessness!

Pro-WE Members: Ggaahh...!!

Belga: Ahyahyahyahya!! I’m killin’ all the trash—!!!

Hachikyu: ...! Belga, cut it out! This isn’t like it used to be! It’s different than “back then”!!

Belga: Huh? I don’t get it. No way am I gonna stop~ Alright, max power! You’re all gonna...!!

(Player Name) panicked and tried to stop him, but their body had lost all strength. Their vision went black.

*Master wakes up in their dorm room*

Marks: You’re awake, Master!

Marks: You should take it easy for now. I managed to handle the mission, and—

Marks: The culprit was captured.

Where Marks was pointing, Belga was bound with rope and tied to a pillar.

Belga: Hey! Lemme loose! Morons!!

Hachikyu: (Player Name) collapsed because of you. Absolute Ruthlessness takes away our Master’s life force, you know.

Russell: Hahh... I believe I’ve told you that time and time again...

Marks: If we use it too much, Master will weaken and die! And yet, you..!!

Belga: And it’s bad if (Player Name) dies?

Hachikyu: Huh? Don’t be an idiot. Of course it’s bad.

Belga: But still... even if it’s bad if they die, they’re still here right now!! They’re alive, so it’s fine, ain’t it!?

Hachikyu: Like this, if you’d kept shooting, they would have died! That’s what I’m trying to tell you!

Belga: That’s why I saaaiid! They’re still alive, so it’s fine. The result’s alright, ain’t it~? Ahyahya!

Marks: That’s not the problem!! If you continue to put Master in danger, I’ll dispose of you here and now!

Russell: C-Calm down, Marks!!

Marks: I won’t stop! This one is a threat to Master!

Belga: Ahyahya! Sorry, but (Player Name) is my Master too, y’know? So I’m on their side, ain’t I?

*Marks hits Belga repeatedly*

Marks: Damn it! I’ll can’t accept you as one of Master’s Musketeers!!

Belga: Owww—! You hit me! Fuck you! I’ll get you back!!

Hachikyu: Calm down, Marks! Belga, don’t try to headbutt him!

*scene changes to a hallway*

Hachikyu: Hey... (Player Name).

Hachikyu: Ah, y’know, earlier was a total disaster. After you’d collapsed, Marks and Belga got in a huge fight.

Hachikyu: Russell was there to help out, at least. Fights like that aren’t allowed, so he stopped them.

Hachikyu: ...Belga ended up thrown into the punishment cell without a shred of remorse.

Hachikyu: ...hey. One thing, and don’t misunderstand me here. It’s not like Belga hates you, or disobeys you on purpose.

Hachikyu: It’s just how he is. It’s always been the source of some serious problems., don’t worry about it too much.


• You understand Belga well.

• You’re fond of Belga, aren’t you?

Hachikyu: Hahh!? No, that’s not it at all! Don’t say gross shit like that.

Hachikyu: ...but, as you know, I was with Belga back in the World Empire. I can’t get away from the guy...

Hachikyu: That guy hasn’t changed a bit since back then. It’s almost funny. The shit he does was fine back then, when all we had to do was kill our enemies—

Hachikyu: ...*cough*. Anyway, he’s as stupid as it gets, so even if you tell him something real simple, he won’t get it. I’m not just trying to start shit, I’m serious.

Hachikyu: Anyway, have him read this. There might be some chance it’ll get through to him.

Hachikyu: This thing’s pretty effective. If you think I’m just messing with you, try it and see.

*scene changes to the punishment cell*

Belga: Let! Me! Out! Grrrrr....!!

Belga: Ah, it’s (Player Name). You here to let me out?

(Player Name) got out what Hachikyu had given them, a picture book called “Gongitsune”1, and began to read aloud.

Belga: Hah? I don’t care about some fox named Gon~!

They ignored him and continued to read.

Belga: ...and? What did Gon want to see? Tell me the rest already!


Belga: Uwaaah...! *sniffle*... *sobbing*!!!

Belga: Gon... Gon!! That’s so saaaad...! He was such a good guy...!

Belga: I mean, I guess he did bad stuff at first, but he was sorry for all of that! And Hyouju was too... *sob*...

After reading the last sentence, they told Belga, who was already bawling, what they wanted to teach him as his Master.


• It’s sad when things die.

• Life is precious... do you understand?

Belga: Hah? What’s that?

Belga: Huh? Why do you look so sad? Hey, (Player Name)~?


1“Gongitsune” is a Japanese children’s book about a little fox who causes trouble in a village, only to realize the error of his ways when his pranks cause someone’s death. In the end, he’s shot by a villager and dies as well.

Episode 2:

Episode 3:

Episode 4:

Episode 5:

Episode 6:

Episode 7:

Episode 8: